AC120.ZIP 154,144 12-12-93 AEROCHART V1.20 <ASP> Exercise Charting andMotivation Program- Aerobic exercise logbook.Graphs and reviews track daily, monthly, andyearly progress. Supports groups. Calculates(45+ activities). Add your own exercise,
AEROBI10.ZIP 128,553 06-17-93 Aerobicalc v1.0 for Windows. Calculator thatcomputes aerobic points, caloric expenditure,and average speed for a variety of activities.
AREOSFT3.ZIP 214,138 04-22-95 AEROSOFT FITNESS LOG v3.0 ASP - Exercise Logused in homes, business, schools andhospitals. Calculates aerobic points for 34types of exercise and calories burned for 50types of exercise. Records all exercises
BDA301A.ZIP 180,868 11-24-91 THE BETTER DIET ANALYZER V3.01 (BUG FIX) 1 OF
BDADOX31.ZIP 129,144 04-15-92 The Better Diet Analyzer v3.01. Documentation
BETTER20.ZIP 136,673 02-12-91 The Better Diet Program!
BH01.ZIP 38,131 09-28-92 Flexibility exercise question comparing t'aichi and skating.
BIKE20.ZIP 82,961 10-04-94 BIKE V2.00 <ASP> Bike is a program thatallows the user to develop a database ofbicycle ride data for training. This programis useful for the racer and the casual riderto keep track of statistics in their exercise
BIKE93_2.ZIP 10,041 12-05-92 Bicycle mileage spreadsheet for lotus 123.
BIKELOG.ZIP 45,280 10-12-91 A log program to keep track of bicycle rideinformation from the cyclocomputer.
BIKELOG1.ZIP 16,512 12-03-91 A Bike Log Lotus Worksheet. Menu Driven ThruMacros To Keep Track Of Ride Information FromThe Cyclocomputer. Generates Graph. Also FindOut Accurately How Many Calories You Burn, AGearing Calculator And More.
BIKEPRO.ZIP 380,319 04-02-93 Interesting Bike Log program, appears to be acompiled spreadsheet based application. Manyfeatures. Docs. Worth a look.
BIKER1.ZIP 50,322 08-12-90 To Be Used With An Excerise Bike.
BP23A.ZIP 1188,149 02-05-95 BIKEPRO for Windows V2.3a. BikePro is aPerformance Optimizer for the seriouscyclist. It contains a Training Log, DietLog, Food Glossary, plus many reports, graphsand other features.
COACH.ZIP 91,887 05-17-90 Training Guide For Biathlon (run&bike)Estimate Max. Oxygen Uptake, Body Fat, Etc.Judge Difficulty Of Workout Calculates # OfCalories Burned And Gearing.
COMBAT20.ZIP 84,420 07-12-93 The Complete Martial Arts Database! A concisesummary of the arts-> karate, ninjutsu, judo,aikido plus many more. Explains actualtechniques as well as strategy andpositioning. Wonderful Reading !
COMJOCKE.ZIP 190,755 03-15-94 Computer Jockey's Customized Workout - allowsyou to choose the physical exercises you wantto do, the order of the exercises, how manyrepetitions, how many sets the music toaccompany each exercise and more. You then
CYCLESOF.ZIP 478,032 02-28-93 CycleSoft Training log program for cyclists.
CYCLEWT.ZIP 883,302 01-12-94 Cycle Weight Traingin - is a weight liftingprogram to help avoid the problem ofovertraining or hitting a plateau.
DAPZ.ZIP 230,380 05-09-93 USDA's Dietary Analysis Program for The PC.
DIETDE2.ZIP 66,130 03-20-94 DIET-DEAL - color coded cards count dailycalories and help manage diets.
FMH1.ZIP 318,719 01-12-94 Family Medical History - is a database forrecording family medical history. It keepstrack of immunizations, injuries, illnesses,treatments, and more. It features manyviewing and reporting options, a look up
FTESTV1.ZIP 78,835 11-10-91 THE FITNESS TESTS v1.0. Tests strength,endurance, flexibility, and body composition.Establishes a baseline upon which you canimprove. If you have ever wondered if you arejust wasting your time in the gym then THE
GENIE20.ZIP 42,009 07-12-90 Weight Genie, Uses Three Measurements To TellYou How Much Fat You Ve How Over/underweightYou Are And Ideal Weight.
GETFIT.ZIP 50,063 01-20-93 Text File On Nutrition And Business
GETFIT12.ZIP 248,142 09-21-94 GetFit v1.2 Diet & Exercise Monitor. Findsyour 'Ideal Weight' based on sex & height.Then makes exercise & diet recommendationsand helps you track them daily to reach yourchosen goal. Contains data on fat/calorie
GETNSHAP.ZIP 632,750 12-02-92 Get in Shape - Exercise/Fitness Program.
GFITW54.ZIP 399,640 11-25-94 GetFit v5.4 Diet & Exercise Monitor. UpdatedWindows Version. Finds your 'Ideal Weight'based on sex & height. Then makes exercise &diet recommend- ations and helps you trackthem daily to reach your goal. Contains data
HAIDE106.ZIP 251,468 08-15-92 Health Aide version 1.06
HEARTRAT.ZIP 13,964 05-05-93 Howard Gerber's program to calculate yourmaximum heart rate vs. three differentreference texts. Neat!
HEARTSMT.ZIP 57,527 07-29-92 Monitor your food intake.
HQ21A.ZIP 282,318 06-01-92 Health Quest v2.1: will make diagnostic anddietary suggestions based upon symptomology &information concerning dietary input [1/2]
HQ21B.ZIP 147,261 07-20-91 Health Quest V2.1: Will Make Diagnostic AndDietary Suggestions Based Upon Symptomology &Information Concerning Dietary Input [2/2]
HSMART.ZIP 88,779 01-30-94 HEART SMART FOR WINDOWS v2.0 <ASP> - AWindows 3.1 program for monitoring calories,fat, and cholesterol in your diet. Theprogram includes a 900 item modifiable foodlist, and the ability to print a weekly menu.plan.
IMPACT-A.ZIP 329,747 01-01-95 Dietary Impact Analysis & Health Profile v5.0
JOGGR105.ZIP 60,072 02-12-92 Runner's log and analysis database, v1.05.
KIRK10.ZIP 47,749 04-11-90 <k>ids <i>mmunization <r>ecord <k>eeper V1.0:Handy Little Util For Keeping Track Of YourKids' Vaccine Records; Laura M. Young.
LEAN220.ZIP 289,214 12-23-93 LEANER V2.20 <ASP> Weight Control, Assessment& Motivation- Find your ideal weight.Discover your cardiovascular risks. Checkyour anxiety level. Determine your eatingstyle. Graphs & reviews your daily, monthly &
LIVE5.ZIP 18,234 01-19-94 Live Happier & Longer - is a guide tolongevity through better health and a morepositive outlook on life. It includes 100longevity tips, longevity statistics, andsources of more information on the subject.
LYL.ZIP 145,367 09-09-93 Love Your Life 1.5 (InfoTek; $25) helps youbring about a positive attitude. It usespositive affirmations, visualization,meditation, magnetism, exercises and journalwork. Quotes and a Mood Menu are included.
M&MM100.ZIP 111,013 09-09-92 Me & My Metabolism examines basal metabolicrate, assesses total energy expenditure andevaluates eating style. Find your answers toquestions like ... Why do I eat the way I do?How much effort significantly raises my
MGT.ZIP 74,315 10-28-91 Body builders, muscle growth tracker
MGT1.ZIP 74,205 10-31-91 Motivational Tool For BodyBuilders!
MMM100.ZIP 111,013 09-09-92 Me & My Metabolism examines basal metabolicrate, assesses total energy expenditure andevaluates eating style. Find your answers toquestions like ... Why do I eat the way I do?How much effort significantly raises my
NBJR.ZIP 166,693 06-29-93 Nutri-Base Jr. v1.0a for Windows. Nutritionaldatabase and analysis program.
ND12.ZIP 195,661 04-09-94 PC Nutri-Diet v1.2 is a personal computerprogram which has food analysis & mealplanning, supplement food data management anddieting notes.
NDBFCS4A.ZIP 293,438 08-23-91 Survey Nutrient Database from Department ofAgriculture BBS (1 of 3)
NDBFCS4B.ZIP 250,079 08-23-91 Nutrient Database (2 of 3)
NDBFCS4C.ZIP 219,817 08-23-91 Nutrient Database (3 of 3)
NDWIN.ZIP 322,003 07-02-93 PC NUTRI DIET for Windows: USDA data for 5000food, meal planning, etc.
NDWIN33.ZIP 397,006 01-06-95 Nutri-diet for windows. Version 3.3.
NGMD40.ZIP 796,741 07-20-95 NutriGenie The Magical Dietitian for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software package.Analyzes almost 30 nutrients and includesOmega-3 Counter to help lower cholesterol.Has glucose and blood pressure trackers, BMI,
NSCH22.ZIP 624,495 10-16-93 Nutrisoft Control Hypertension for Windows.
NSCN36.ZIP 757,480 04-15-95 NutriSoft Compleat Nutritionist for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software package.Analyzes almost 30 nutrients and includesOmega-3 Counter to help lower cholesterol.Has glucose and blood pressure trackers, BMI,
NSDN33.ZIP 885,281 09-30-94 NUTRISOFT DIABETIC NUTRITION 3.3 for WindowsComplications from diabetes kill 150,000people a year, making it the fourth-leadingdisease killer in the U.S. Diet is acornerstone of diabetes management.
NSEWWL35.ZIP 703,602 03-01-95 NutriSoft EAT WELL, WEIGH LESS for Windows Todiet successfully, you've got to enjoy whatyou eat. Dieting mustn't mean depriva- tion.Use this incredible program to designnutritious, tasty, and well-balanced meals to
NSGWP.ZIP 697,839 03-01-95 NutriSoft DAS OPTIMALE GEWICHT for Windowslatest generation of nutrition software:excellent interface, huge database of foods,extensive activity data. Eat right, loseweight, be healthy. Nutrient data on:
NSHBPN32.ZIP 674,082 09-17-94 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE NUTRITION for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software: excellentinterface, huge food database, extensiveactivity data. Eat right, lose weight, lowerblood pressure. Analysis of fat, calories,
NSHHN35.ZIP 695,522 01-01-95 NutriSoft HEALTHY HEART NUTRITION for WindowsBased on US Surgeon General's guidelines toavoid obesity and coronary heart disease.Nutrients analyzed: calories, protein, fat,saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate.
NSLYC32.ZIP 673,151 09-06-94 NutriSoft LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software: excellentinterface, huge food database, extensiveactivity data. Eat right, lose weight, lowercholesterol. Analysis of fat, calories,
NSNFPP36.ZIP 726,509 03-20-95 NutriSoft Nutrition for Peak PerformanceHealth is more than not being sick: it'sbeing able to perform at your peak potentialday in and day out. This program analyzesyour diet for optimal intake of nutrients
NSNFW35.ZIP 703,332 01-15-95 NutriSoft NUTRITION FOR WOMEN for Windowsaddresses the unique nutritional needs ofwomen from adolescent through pregnancy andold age. Major diseases affect more womenthan men. Obesity, osteoporosis, heart dis-
NSPREG21.ZIP 619,804 09-29-93 Nutrisoft Pregnancy Nutritition for Windowsv2.1. For expecting parents who want toimprove the health of their unborn child.Contains a database of common foods, andallows you to track their nutritional
NSPWLD34.ZIP 689,443 03-05-95 NutriSoft PYRAMID WEIGHT LOSS DIET - WindowsInnovative nutrition software. Indispensableto those who want a more desirable weight.Based on USDA Food Guide Pyramid and SurgeonGeneral's guidelines to avoid obesity.
NSWP30.ZIP 646,381 06-30-94 NutriSoft WEIGHT PERFECT 3.0 for WindowsLatest generation of nutrition software:excellent interface, huge database of foods,extensive activity data. Eat right, loseweight, be healthy. Nutrient data on:
NUTRI.ZIP 15,293 10-20-91 A short text file on Nutrition.
NUTRIEAZ.ZIP 304,732 12-12-94 Nutri-Ease 5000 by Fitware This program isgood for your health! A comprehensivenutrition reference system, this programgives you the nutritional scoop on 1000 fooditems. Nutri-Eaze provides you with over 30
NUTRIENT.ZIP 115,171 01-21-91 You can eat right with this program!
NUTRINT.ZIP 115,171 01-21-91 Personal Nutritionist, Track Diets & MOre
NUTRIT.ZIP 115,171 01-21-91 Your Personal Nutritionist 3.2.1 Helps YouFine Tune Your Diet. Requires Dos 3.x.
NUTRITN.ZIP 194,718 05-12-93 The Nutritionist...great nutrition program.
NWQT25.ZIP 261,683 02-20-95 Nutrition Wizard/Quick-Test v2.5: Free.Delightfully simple and fast health &nutrition-improvement software designed foranyone to use. Get an instant big-pictureview of calories & nutrition in an easy
NZBEQN94.ZIP 224,088 12-28-93 A collection of stress and nutritioninformation, collected in compressed,"study-note" format. When unfolded, it is560+ separate files, by symptom, substance,or condition. Author is Shari Soza, software
OMEAL303.ZIP 189,037 11-19-91 OMNIMEAL 3.03 Control Your Meal Planning
PATTERN1.ZIP 73,162 12-29-92 weight tracking program analyzes your weighthistory and uses AI to predict future weight
PCHC.ZIP 150,592 09-01-94 PC HEART CHECK V2.0 Cardiac monitoringprogram. Monitor, record, playback and printECG (EKG) display. Easy to use tutorial.IBM/compatible with VGA required.
PRONUT.ZIP 614,014 02-19-95 Professional Nutritionist(tm) v1.2 tryoutpackage, from Nutrisoft(R). Now for DOS andWINDOWS. It's a complete diet planning, wightcontrol, recipe and nutrition system in yourPC. Sets dietary goals, analyzes meals for
PTD221B.ZIP 327,645 04-23-93 Personalized Training Diary (PTD) 2.21 <ASP>-A Sports/Fitness Diary for the enduranceathlete. Has Heart Check+ to record multiplepulse rates, can analyze and graph. SupportsEpson and HP graphic printers. Borland BGI
PTRNS11K.ZIP 96,979 01-03-94 Patterns v1.1K. Intelligent weight loss toolthat works w/any diet program to revealpatterns of change within your weighthistory, using AI; provides an early warningwhen your weight may be about to rise w/out
RAGTIME.ZIP 59,418 09-12-93 RagTime v1.00 <ASP> - Only Calendar of it'sKind! Husbands: Be in the know. Wives: Don'tlose track! Family heads: plan vacations andrecreation so all can enjoy to the fullest!cycle". Ends the guesswork and embarassing
RECUMB01.ZIP 12,463 01-11-93 Have you ever considered a RECUMBENT bicycle?Latest information on the Recumbent Cyclistand the International Human Powered VehicleAssociation. Selected manufacturersaddresses. Text file Jan. 1993.
RIDELG20.ZIP 136,844 06-06-92 Ride-Log v2.0: program to track daily bicyclerides including date, distance ridden, thetime to ride, etc.; text reports/graphs canbe created.
RUNCALC.ZIP 26,670 12-13-93 Runner's Calculator - will calculate time,distance or pace for runners.
RUNCOACH.ZIP 170,486 09-15-94 You can personalize a running schedule tosuit your needs. Good for the beginnerthrough the more serious runner.
RUNFAQ09.ZIP 59,227 09-12-93 FAQ (Freqently asked Questions with answers)for RUNNERs
RUNLOG10.ZIP 61,425 08-29-93 RunLog running diary. Records, date of run,distance, and time, and computes/graphs pace,miles last 7/last 30 days, miles/month, etc.Great program for those who like to keeptrack of their runs without using a complex
RUNSTAT.ZIP 305,745 10-05-91 RUN STAT 1.1 is the complete journal andstatistics package for runners of all levels.Features user-selectable data prompts;journal entries; one keystroke graphs;automatic statistics; printouts of all
RUNTRAK1.ZIP 87,152 08-13-93 RunTrak v1.00. Windows based running log/statistics program; includes graphs/printingcapability.
S303D.ZIP 7,267 04-25-95 SLIMMER Rev 3.03d patch (only works on 3.03c
SALMON.ZIP 2,655 07-21-93 The Salad and Salmon Diet text file. Want toloose weight safely? Need more energy? FamedDoctor from WOR Radio's "Health Talk" andauthor of the recent best seller "Tired Allthe Time" reveals his popular diet plan.
SLIM2.ZIP 52,738 09-01-94 Slim For Life! Release 2 Finally-the truthrevealed. A weight loss system so simple andeffective the author lost 50+ pounds withoutsit-ups, eating less or will power. You canbe slim and trim for the rest of your life.
SLIM303C.ZIP 626,242 02-18-95 SLIMMER Rev 3.03c. Diet tracker helps you setyour weight & calorie goals, then tracks yourdaily wt, cal, chol, fat, prot, carboh, fibersodium, and potass for over 1200 items. Graphthen run GO.BAT to install.
STRETCH.ZIP 60,950 12-18-94 Martial Arts Stretching FAQ
STRETCHI.ZIP 52,756 09-23-93 Information on muscle stretching & exercises
TK100.ZIP 16,071 07-21-91 A Small Stopwatch/lap Counter Program. UsefulFor Those Involved In Anything To Do WithCounting Laps And Lap Times. (eg. AutoRacing, Running Relays, Etc.).
TRIMEASY.ZIP 3,759 05-01-93 Text on Another Weight Loss Method.
TSJOG14.ZIP 26,081 04-18-93 Jogging calculations and a pacer by Prof.Timo Salmi of the University of Vaasa.
UBL18.ZIP 159,807 12-24-92 Ultimate v1.8: ultimate bike log featuringdaily rides with printouts, average speed iscalculated, heart rate calculator, gearcalculations for multi-speed bikes; completebicycle information, calorie comsumption
VI23A.ZIP 341,002 01-26-91 Vitacal V2.3a Vitamin, Mineral, And CalorieTracker 1/2.
VI23B.ZIP 141,424 01-26-91 Vitacal V2.3a Vitamin, Mineral, And Calorietracker 2/2.
VIE1.ZIP 636,928 05-21-95 I EAT I DRINK THEREFORE I AM This WindowsProgram Has The Answers On Ones NutritionalNeeds And Good Health. With 200 RecipesProvided, You Can Prepare Your Own Well Bal-anced Meals.
VITALITY.ZIP 28,604 10-07-91 Health Program Calculates Risk Of HeartAttack, Proper Caloric Intake According ToData You Enter About Yourself, DietSuggestions, Plus More.
VITAMINS.ZIP 29,840 10-09-94 THE VITAMINS: A QUICK REFERENCE CONSUMER'SGUIDE, by Adam Starchild. This electronicbook gives important information on all thevitamins, from A to K, plus some others withwhich you may not have been familiar. If you
WEIGHCHK.ZIP 36,088 07-01-90 Track Weight Gain/Loss, With Comments
WORK10.ZIP 63,529 04-30-92 WORKOUT! V1.0: pgm that's design to help youwith your health goals; analysis of aerobicsweight, calories and sysmmetry are included;mouse/mono/CGA/EGA/VGA support; sound
WTLOSS.ZIP 47,168 03-06-91 Weight loss program.
XLTRAIN.ZIP 293,956 02-08-95 XL-Trainer - is a collection of spreadsheetsfor Excel that enable you to track yourexcersise progress in a number of differentsports including biking, running, swimming,and walking.
_SLIM2.ZIP 52,738 09-01-94 Slim For Life! Release 2 Finally-the truthrevealed. A weight loss system so simple andeffective the author lost 50+ pounds withoutsit-ups, eating less or will power. You canbe slim and trim for the rest of your life.